Paul & Sue Hazelden
- Christian Articles -

These are the articles which assume the reader has an interest in Christian things. The categories below are intended as a general guide to the main content or direction of the articles. Don't worry about the numbers - they just help me keep track of which article has gone where.

You can also look at a complete index to the Christian articles, which lists the articles below, gives a brief description of each one, and also identifies the articles which have not yet been placed on this site.

Establishing some common ground

  1. The Basis of Christian Belief
  2. Concentrate on the Important
  3. Faith in Doctrine?
  4. Christianity


  1. Holistic Evangelism
  2. The Cross and Evangelism
  3. The Modified Engel Scale
  4. Approaches to Town Centre Evangelism
  5. Door to Door Evangelism
  6. Your Life for His - a Good Friday message
  7. Reaching out to the World
  8. Evangelism Objections
  9. Three Steps to Sharing Your Faith
  10. Salvation

Some difficult questions

  1. The Biblical Basis of Baptism
  2. What Happens to Babies When They Die?
  3. Introduction to Science and Evolution
  4. What About Unconfessed Sin?
  5. Forgiveness and Lifestyle
  6. What is the Fate of the Wicked?
  7. Why do good Christians disagree?
  8. Notes on the Text of the Bible
  9. God Is Good
  10. An Eternal Covenant
  11. I Believe the Bible
  12. Questions About Forgiveness
  13. The Role of Holiness

Bible Passages

  1. Who Stays with the Stuff? (1 Samuel 30:24)
  2. Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26)
  3. Job
  4. The Call of a Prophet (Jeremiah 1)
  5. A short course in applied prophecy (Ezekiel)
  6. The Valley of Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37)
  7. Daniel's Prayer (Daniel 9)
  8. Peter's Confession (Mark 8:27-38)
  9. Meet Your Neighbour (Luke 10:25-37)
  10. God Became Man (John 1:1)
  11. What Do We Have To Give? (Acts 3:1-10)
  12. From One Man (Acts 17:26)
  13. The Cross and Evangelism (1 Corinthians 1:17-18)
  14. Nothing Except Jesus (1 Corinthians 2:2)
  15. Getting Our Priorities Right (1 Corinthians 15)
  16. Effective Ministry (2 Corinthians 4:1-12)
  17. The Church as Hospital and Army (Ephesians)
  18. A Practice Sermon (Ephesians 3:14-21)
  19. Revelation


  1. Discipleship Today
  2. The Danger of Discipline
  3. Morality in a Secular World
  4. The Carnal Christian
  5. Legalistic Death
  6. What Kind of Church?
  7. Prayer
  8. Faith
  9. Talking About Money
  10. Mission at Home and Abroad
  11. Once Saved?
  12. What is a Family?
  13. What Would Jesus Do?
  14. Notes on the 'Chicago Statement' on Biblical Inerrancy
  15. A letter about original sin
  16. Extract from a letter on the meaning of 'church'
  17. Some thoughts on church leadership styles
  18. Westborough Evening Services
  19. Who Needs Theology?
  20. Using Spiritual Gifts
  21. The Problem of Origins
  22. The Problem of Pain
  23. Thoughts on Communion
  24. A Catechism for a New Millennium
  25. Joyful Worship
  26. A Harvest for the Poor
  27. An Introduction to Housegroups
  28. A Job Description For Housegroup Leaders
  29. Theology Achieves Nothing?
  30. Pragmatic Church Leadership
  31. Sex and Violence
  32. A Conversation about Baptism
  33. Churches Together in Sea Mills
  34. Hope
  35. The Primacy of the Spiritual
  36. Notes on the 'Chicago Statement' on Biblical Hermeneutics
  37. Q&A: Struggle
  38. Day By Day Like Us He Grew
  39. Honoured, Holy, Righteous and Clean: Human Aspiration and the Gospel
  40. God at Work
  41. A New Life
  42. Legalism, Part 2
  43. A Response to 'Theology Achieves Nothing?'
  44. Response 2 to 'Theology Achieves Nothing?'
  45. Response 3 to 'Theology Achieves Nothing?'
  46. Altruism
  47. Healthy Church, Healthy Members
  48. I Believe

Related to the Course at Spurgeon's

Introduction and general work

  1. G1A1: How Do We Do Theology?
  2. G1A2: Teenage Reporters
  3. G1A3: Questions About Forgiveness

Module 1: Ministry in Contemporary Society

  1. M1A1: Ministry to Homeless People
  2. M1A2: Theology of Mission
  3. M1A3: CCM Project Review

Module 2: Theology and Practice of Preaching

  1. M2A0: A Practice Sermon (Ephesians 3:14-21)
  2. M2A1: Theology of Preaching
  3. M2A2: Hermeneutical Issues
  4. M2A3: Sermon Transcript and Commentary

Module 3: Leadership

  1. M3A1: Theology of Leadership
  2. M3A2: Case Studies
  3. M3A3: Personal Development Programme

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