Paul & Sue Hazelden
- Ministry -


This page describes in outline the main aspects of the public Christian ministry we are engaged in.

Crisis Centre

Crisis Centre Ministries has been working in Bristol since 1984 to bring help and hope to the neediest people in our society. We provide food and assistance to the unemployed, the homeless, drug addicts, alcoholics, and people with other problems. Many people's lives have been transformed by the power of God through this ministry.

Crisis Centre Ministries started as the vision of Derek Groves to reach the people on the street and those with 'life-controlling' problems. Over the years, the work has grown considerably, and now includes a Coffee Shop which functions as a drop-in centre, a life skills training programme, and the 'Bridgehead' Christian meetings.

In September 2000, Paul was asked to pray about the possibility of taking on responsibility for this ministry for a limited time because Derek was no longer well enough to lead it on a day-to-day basis.

After talking and praying with various people, it seemed right, and Paul started working as the General Manager at the Crisis Centre on 2 October for a fixed term of six months. This initial contract was extended to the end of June 2002, and has now been made permanent. Derek Groves continued to play an advisory role until his death in August 2003.

If anyone in the Bristol area would be prepared to volunteer to help at the Crisis Centre, we would love to hear from you!


We both preach and teach on a variety of subjects, many of which are touched on in the articles on this web site.

We have been involved with churches from a number of traditions and denominations. We are happy to minister in any Christan church, to Christians from any denomination or tradition, or to work alongside any Christians to reach out to those who have not responded to the gospel yet.

If we have to identify with one specific group, our life and work spring more from the Anabaptist tradition than any other, but we work with and encourage Christians from all traditions and backgrounds.

Europe Now

Europe Now exists to support evangelists working in Europe, and to encourage more people to work as evangelists in Europe. Our particular aim is to support those evangelists who work for Open Air Campaigners, as they do not have any other missionary agency providing the support and backup they need.

We moved to Bristol because of our work with Europe Now, training and supporting evangelists working in Europe. At the time, Paul was the UK Director; and Sue was the Administrator for several years.

We ran the Snowball programme for a year in Bristol, and are now looking at the possibility of running the next programme in Vienna in a few years' time.


We rely on God to supply our financial needs. At present, we are both employed and earning, but we could not continue the work we do without the financial support we receive from a number of sources. If you would like to be a part of this ministry by contributing to our financial needs, you would be very welcome!

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Copyright © 2000-2006 Paul Hazelden was last updated 24 August 2006
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