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- ' , ${title}, ' -', $title2, '
by ' , $author, ''; } elseif ($art != '') { echo ${title} , ${title2} , '
by ' , $author , ''; } else { echo 'Paul & Sue Hazelden
- ' , $title , ' -' , $title2; } if ($title3 != "") { echo $title3; } echo '

'; if ($headinclude != '') { include $headinclude ; echo '
'; } echo '
'; if ($ig == 'y') { head2 ('Summary'); } if ($redirect != '') { echo "

The page you are looking for has been moved. If you are not redirected in 5 seconds, please click on the link below.

\n"; footer (); } # # Finally, define the functions # function funhead($link, $text="") { echo "

[Humour Index]

\n"; head2($link, $text); } function news($i) { # create a family news paragraph introduction # expect a date in "dd/mm/yy" format $d = substr ($i, 0, 2); $m = substr ($i, 3, 2); $y = substr ($i, 6, 2); $z = "20" . $y; echo "

" . date ('l j F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $z)) . ":\n"; } function head2($link, $text="", $start=99) { global $num, $cont, $num2, $num3, $contents; if ($text == "") { $text = $link; $link = str_replace(" ", "_", $link); $link = str_replace("'", "_", $link); $link = str_replace('"', "_", $link); $link = str_replace("?", "_", $link); } if ($num == "y") { if ($start == 99) { $num2 = $num2 + 1; } else { $num2 = $start; } $num3 = 0; $numtext = $num2 . ".   "; $context = $numtext; } else { $numtext = ""; $context = "•   "; } echo "

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Note " . $footnum. ". " . $text; } function foothere ($text="") { global $footdone, $foottext; # Only create the foot notes once if ($footdone != "Y") { # Only create the footnotes if there is something to produce if ($foottext != "") { # Use the footnote intro text if provided if ($text == "") { $text = "Footnotes:"; } echo "


" . $text . "

" . $foottext . "\n
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    \n"; echo "
  1. I'll go along with that
  2. \n"; echo "
  3. Please explain further
  4. \n"; echo "
  5. I object to what you've said
  6. \n"; echo "
  7. What are the alternatives?
  8. \n"; echo "
\n"; echo "


\n"; } function indexlink ($level, $link, $text) { global $varpath; echo "


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Copyright © $copydate " . ' ' . $author . "
${file3} was last updated " . date("j F Y", filemtime($file)) . "
${modtext} You are welcome to print this page for your personal use or create a link to it, but if you would like to use any part of this page in any other way, please read the standard terms and then contact me.
\n"; # If this is part of the Interactive Gospel, display the message if ( $ig == "y" ) { echo "
This page is part of the Interactive Gospel
Interactive Gospel Index\n"; } echo "
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